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ER ONE.jpg



ENDTIME RELAY #1 is the first issue of a new zine that I am doing about punk rock.

Inside this issue: record reviews (current and past), a reprint of a year-end best of list i wrote in 2018, a really fucking cool & inspiring interview about DIY/activism and the history of The Democracy Center (Cambridge, MA) and punk/hardcore in Boston with Kimberly Jane, some other odds and ends.

This zine is an attempt to move away from the commodification of DIY and to instead really start thinking about how we engage with art and community. This is just a start, so future issues will be beefier (I’m sure), but hopefully it’s a fun read!

I wanted to give these away for free, but I ended up making way more than I planned and material costs are a Real Thing. Any proceeds from these sales will go towards making the next issue and reimbursing me for all the ca$h I dropped making this one happen.

- James

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